Memories floating through spacious time,
January til June and then July
a month of independence and celebration
Bonfires and Hotdogs
a child’s sensation.
A bouquet of Marshmallow fills the air
burnt on the outside, black and gooey,
excitement as the softness passes the lips,
Sadness as one falls into the fire
squeals for the taste of just one more.
Crackle and pop the flames a blaze,
orange and red, the nights eyes gaze
at fireworks exploding
across the sky,
Cheers as colors multiply.
Children’s hearts pump with joy,
as rainbow starbursts fill the skies.
Small and large – boom, boom, shabang –
red, yellow, green, blue
such a vivid exchange!
Circles fill with flourescent designs,
patterns, none the same, endless in time.
A joyous time of celebration,
a tradition of honoring the fight
for our nation.

Featured in our July issue, 2103, by Marcella Kumer