DacsMommy Reblog…
Have you ever been in a situation with your special needs child that made you laugh till tears ran down your cheeks because its more refreshing than crying?We had a code brown last night. Dac decided to poop in her diaper and then yep… you guessed it. She played in it. See, Dac is 25 – developmentally two – and just plain doesn’t know any better. Why am i sharing this? Because sh*t happens! Also a multitude of other things in this crazy life….
So my hubby and myself are not prepared for what meets our eyes. This adult/kid has literally painted it on every surface in her room when we thought she was sleeping. Between the squeals of "oh nos!" and the gagging. hubby runs out of the room and i scream “coward!”
My daughter is grinning like she just colored her first pic.
Ta-da Mommy. Look what i have done.
So i laugh.
I laugh and laugh as i am bathing her.
I laugh as i redress her.
I laugh as i bleach down everything in her room.
Why am i laughing?
I laugh because this does not happen in“normal” families and that is a bummer.
I laugh because Dac’s smile is so contagious. i smile at the irony of my life.
I smile because i am sick of being sad and crying tears.
Buckets have been shed so i save them for the days when i nurse her through a seizure, a surgery, her pain.
I laugh over s… because she just recently at 26 started moving her bowels without the aid of a laxative. Yes, she is still in diapers which can be a drag but hey. Things could be worse.
So whether it is running naked around the house, wiping poop on the walls,
trying to eat a felt marker or any of the multitude of things you do that are not
so “normal” remember this Dac . . .
I will forever laugh with you but never AT you.
Love, Mommy
