Teenage Tales of Terror
Well, it has been quite the ride. I started blogging years ago when the kids were under 10, screamin and shouting at all the madness thinking it can’t get any worse, and then came…. THE TEENS!!! OMG!
The mouths, the friends, the food, the drinks, the mess, the grades, the trying to get them up for school, the teaching them to drive, the arguing, the trying to reason, the attitudes, the needs… aye aye aye!
Let me say, as I’m sure those of you with teens know quite well, that it is painful and difficult writing or saying much of anything positive during these years because 99.9% of the time you are thinking how you can chew their heads off and just flat out, be off!!
BUT, there is hope.
Sooner or later, they hit their twenties. The teen years are gone and with it most all the horrors that go along with it, HALLELUJAH!! Now, they are working, driving, trying college (wherever that leads is up to them). They are doing their thing and transitioning into adulthood without needing me or yelling for something at every turn. Many times I pinch myself to be sure I’m not dreaming because, WOW, what a joy!

By: Darlene ‘Screamin’ Pistocchi